by Eliana Ardila Kramer

From the beginnings of Birding by Bus, my goal has always been to serve as a welcoming travel host to birders and nature lovers of all demographics, identities and ethnicities. We want our guests to join together to create bonds of birding friendship. To support and celebrate each other as we are.

Many of our trips are open to everyone, and we welcome tour guests from all walks of life. To celebrate and bring together distinct multicultural audiences, we also offer trips designed for women to couples to LGBTQ and more. I especially have a passion for creating women’s birding tours.


Traveling with other women is a tailored and enriching birding experience like no other. For me, it has become one of my favorite tours to lead and we now have women’s tour itineraries in several different countries and regions. I want to empower and inspire other women to visit parts of the world that perhaps they did not feel comfortable going to, to experience the beautiful off-the-beaten paths of so many places that have a special place in my heart, and to get out there to see how wonderful the world truly is. I want us to enjoy the birds, discover adventure, and learn about other cultures, all while creating a safe, fun, and inviting environment for women. Women that help each other become better birders in a free-spirited setting. I want us to bond, laugh and fall in love with places that have so much to offer and where the only risk will be you wanting to stay.

During Birding by Bus’s formative period, I was a founding member and trip leader for the Phoebes all-woman birding group in Miami. Later, I was fortunate to be invited by Pro Colombia (Colombia tourism board) and Nature Colombia (tour company run by women) to travel on a familiarization trip to my home country of Colombia. During this tour, I was able to provide our friends and followers with a behind-the-scenes view of how it is to bird, explore, laugh, and bond with other women. I don’t think any of us had ever laughed so hard or enjoyed birding so much, and we quickly formed a strong and solid bond as sister birders. Shortly thereafter, I became an ambassador for women’s birding and nature travel to Colombia and have led several women-only tours there. Additionally, I also co-founded the Women Birders of the World Facebook Page and hope to serve on additional committees in the future that support women in birding.

Hope all of you ladies can join me on one of our women-only birding trips and bond together through nature and birds.

The Best Colombian Birding Tour Guide



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