Quintessential Costa Rica

Resplendent Quetzals, Fiery-bellied Aracaris, and Great Green Macaws… oh my!

Though relatively small in size, Costa Rica is home to one of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world. This 9-day birding tour is designed to sample some of the country’s most representative habitats, focusing on the best of Costa Rica birding in a compact package. Targeting the most charismatic bird species, you’ll traverse through lowland Caribbean rainforest at the Selva Verde Reserve and explore the foothills of the Central Volcanic Cordillera. From there, you’ll ascend into the cloud forests, rich oak forests and scrubby paramo of the Tapanti and Talamanca Highlands before dropping back down in elevation to the transitional humid-to-dry forest and mangroves of the Central Pacific lowlands. Expect 250-300 bird species on this trip!

With Costa Rica’s friendly people, democratic government, and 27 percent of its land officially designated as protected, it’s no wonder this country is one of the most attractive ecotourism destinations in Central America. Despite the ensuing growth of tourism, the country retains its wild charm with a peaceful and arms-open approach to international visitors. Costa Ricans continue to exude appreciation and joy for the many treasures of their country. 

For pricing information or to register for this tour please contact us.


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