Cloudforests of Northern Ecuador

Foothills and Peaks of the Western & Eastern Andes

The Andes and foothills of Northern Ecuador offer outstanding birding opportunities with some of the highest species diversity per square kilometer on the planet. A cool and comfortable montane climate, good infrastructure for birding, wonderful eco-lodges, and a multitude of hummingbird and antpitta feeding stations make this region a paradise for birders. Moreover, there are abundant opportunities for overlaying the region’s traditions and customs so that the itinerary is a superb blend of both birding and culture. Visiting a wide array of different habitats on both the Western and Eastern slopes of Ecuador’s Andes, you’ll travel from snow-capped volcanoes to pristine cloud forests to moderate elevations in the foothills. Prepare to be immersed in the magic of the Andes, from its feathered inhabitants to its friendly people, experiencing both nature and the local culture, history, music, and flavors.

The western slope of the Andes are part of the Choco endemic bioregion where many endemics and near endemics are found. The Mindo and Tandayapa Valleys are renowned for the 20+ species of hummingbirds, rare antpittas coming to worm feeders, and an amazing array of middle elevation cloudforest birds. The eastern slope, from Guango Reserve to San Isidro, has a whole different array of species not found in the west. In addition to our birding adventures, our sights will also be set on Otavalo, an area known for its huge cultural wealth and renowned for its indigenous artisan markets. Here, people from dozens of local villages, who speak both Spanish and Quechua, come together in the town plaza to sell crafts from colorful weavings, tapestries, alpaca wool clothing, silver and tagua jewelry, pottery, musical instruments, and local foods. The wonderful combination of outstanding birding, captivating cultural experiences, very safe travel conditions, and exceptional eco-lodges makes Northern Ecuador a premier birding destination in South America.

For pricing information or to register for this tour please contact us.


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